Poster for "Face Off," a photo and video competition that showcases fashion industry up-and-comers, organized by Smashbox Studios.
Design and development of a portfolio website for filmmaker Daniel Eisenberg.
Annual Collection of SAIC MFA Writing Program graduate work. Hand screen printed bookmarks of the cover are contained in each book.
Annual Collection of SAIC MFA Writing Program graduate work. Hand screen printed belly bands in mint and black.
Belly Bands are printed on Pop-Tone French Paper.
Love this project I did for Chicago Wine Riot! I created these limited hand screen printed postcards for the event. I wanted them to be an updated version of the classic "greetings from" postcards. The idea was to let people attending WR to fill out postcards at the event and Second Glass paid the postage! It paired beautifully with Second Glass's hi-tech iPhone App.
A collaborative project with Max Temkin that interviews interesting people about the podcasts they listen to.
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